Bus Stop Pre-School, Nursery and Forest School
The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DLS) is Kelly Haines and the Deputy Safeguarding Lead (DDSL) is Kate Rice.
We have taken the opportunity and are signed up to the Operation Encompass scheme. Operation Encompass enables Early Years settings, Schools, Surrey Police and Surrey County Council to communicate effectively on any domestic incidents that occur outside of normal School hours and might have an impact on a child in the setting. All families that join us, receive a letter explaining the scheme in their child’s Starter Pack. For further information please visit the Operation Encompass website.
Visit the Policy and Procedure page to read our detailed Safeguarding Children and Child Protection Policy and Procedure.
Quote from our latest Ofsted report in June 2019;
“Safeguarding is effective. Staff demonstrate an exceptionally secure understanding of the procedures to follow should they have concerns about children’s safety or welfare”.
Special Educational Needs and Disability
The Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) is Hayley Lewis.
Visit the Policy and Procedure page to read our Local Offer and our Equal Opportunities Policy including Special Educational Needs and Disability.
Quote from our latest Ofsted report in June 2019;
“Staff know each child’s individual capabilities and personality traits. This enables them to provide an environment rich in endless opportunities to help support their learning”.
Early Years Emotional Literacy Support Assistant
Hayley Lewis is a registered Early Years Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (EY ELSA).
The role of the ELSA is to support children to understand, manage, share and to talk about their emotions. This may be through using stories, role-play, persona dolls, small group work, craft and games.